We offer a versatile and fast payment system

QR Code based online payments


What we can do for your business, and more


Share a QR Code or a payment link on your social media, website, email or WhatsApp. No limits


Add our 'Quick Buy Buttons' to sell your products and services in seconds. No coding experience required


Split payment fees between you and your customers

Redirect after transaction

Keep your process smooth and seamless. We will redirect your customers back to your website automatically

Change or update to payment? No problem

Change payment at any time and let your customers know

Real-time Analytics & Reporting

Available 24/7/365 detailed analytics and reporting at your fingertips

Real-time Notifications

We will let you know about incoming payments immediately via multiple notification channels

CRM Integration

Integrate FlexiQash with any CRM, and receive payment notifications


One flat & simple pricing built for businesses of all sizes

Unlimited Transactions, Real-Time Dashboard & Reporting


Access a complete payments platform with a monthly fee and PAYG pricing.

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+ 25¢ BB
per transaction

* based on 20/80 split charge


Design a custom setup — for businesses with large payments volume or unique business models.

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Volume discounts
Multi-payee discounts
Flexible rates


Integrate FlexiAPI into your CRM

Generate payments in real-time

Generate payments via FlexiAPI and start using in seconds

Receive FlexiAPI Webhook calls

We will let you know about incoming transactions immediately

Real-time Analytics & Reporting

Get data in real-time

FlexiAPI Reference

Check out our API reference here


Contact Us


Bridgetown, St. Michael, Barbados